COP26: UN accredits NewsClick Nigeria as media delegate to Global Climate Conference in Glasgow


We’re very pleased to announce to our numerous readers, partners, and stakeholders that NewsClick Nigeria (, has been accredited by the United Nations as a media delegate at the COP26 Climate Change Conference holding in Glasgow.

The accreditation of NewsClick Nigeria to attend the prestigious global conference is in recognition of the newspaper’s devotion and commitment to actions and initiatives that promote a climate-resilient and zero-carbon world.

The climate Conference, also known as COP26, is the 26th edition scheduled to hold in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, between 31 October and 12 November 2021, under the Co-Presidency of the United Kingdom and Italy.

COP26 is a critical summit for global climate action. To have a chance of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, global emissions must halve by 2030 and reach ‘net-zero’ by 2050.

NewsClickNg, among other very select few media organisations in the world, will be joining about 25,000 delegates and more than 100 world leaders who will converge to advance issues on global climate.

With this accreditation, NewsClick Nigeria will be at the forefront of disseminating first-hand information and concise editorials on climate issues, panel discussions and spreading the message of building a clean world to governments, critical stakeholders and people around the world.

Speaking on the accreditation, the Board of Editorial Management of
NewsClick Nigeria said: “We are elated to have been accredited by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to cover COP26. We appreciate the UN’s recognition of our passion and our niche editorial focus on developmental communication. By placing our news medium on the global stage, we are now even more ready to partner endlessly with several other bodies, national and international, governments among others, to realise the goal of protecting the human ecosystem”.

“We are certain this accreditation will expand our in-house trajectory, focusing on and deepening development communication and pushing farther activities bordering on social issues. We believe this feat will enhance our capacity to better inform and educate policymakers, stakeholders especially in a developing country like Nigeria, and open new insights that will activate and progress national dialogue and actionable steps that will enable our society to exist sustainably. is a development-focused online newspaper dedicated to serving stories primed to engender social change in Nigeria and sub-Sahara Africa using facts, qualitative data analysis and open investigative techniques.