Family announces burial plans for late radio presenter, Tosyn Bucknor


Nigerians were appalled when the news of the death of Tosyn Bucknor was announced on Monday, November 19, 2018.

Her only sister, Funke Bucknor wrote, “My heart is heavy, but in all things, we give thanks to God. My darling sister and besto, Tosyn, passed away last night due to complications from sickle cell.”

The burial arrangements for Tosyn has been announced.

The ace broadcaster will be laid to rest on Thursday 29th November 2018 shortly after her funeral service which will be held at the Harvesters International Christian Center.

A special service of songs and tribute night also be held in her honour on Wednesday 28th November, 2018 at Harbour Point, Victoria Island.

The late OAP had written a poem which had gone viral, few days before her death, urging her friends and family not to cry when she’s gone but shed tears for themselves.

Tosyn also said that she felt no fear for death and that’s why she lived her life the way she did.


The poem reads;

‘’Prize I’ve earned since my birth, my vow to leave a lasting voice after I was

‘’I look into the future and see me cease, I feel no fear, my face won’t even cease

‘’My steps on this earth, a testament to life leaving this place filled with strife

‘’Don’t cry for me, shed tears for yourself for each date you acquire gives you a little less.

‘’Now I know why I live the way I do Any why my mistakes, no second look

‘’If I live my life according to their pace what’s my price in life’s meaningless race?

‘’Too much odds stacked against this fierce soul, so each hour, all I do is attain my goals

‘’Spent a lot of days searching for purpose, Then I put my thoughts into poetry and prose

‘’This is why I was put in this world, be a voice, Put emotions in words

‘’For every tear I shed and times my eye smiled, someone will have known every option I tried.

‘’This cowardly heart felt fear not death Prize I’ve earned since my birth

‘’My vow to leave a lasting voice after I was Find a loyal number to keep fighting my cause

‘’Here lies she who lived short but well No regrets for her, but all her story tell”.